Peace and Calm Health Functional Medicine Blog
Category: Autoimmune

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…

Foods To Add And Avoid To Boost Your Immune System

A number of foods have been found to benefit the immune system. One group of foods is thought to reduce inflammation in the body, leading to less wear and tear on all your bodily systems, including your immune system: anti-inflammatory foods, which are thought to prevent disease, and/or reduce the more severe symptoms in those

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The Effect Of Alcohol On Your Immune System

Alcohol is a prevalent drug of choice in Western society, one that many people turn to in order to relieve stress, relax, and ‘enjoy themselves’. However, recent studies are starting to give us a clearer picture of just how harmful alcoholic beverages can be to our overall health. In particular, ‘binge drinking’ is on the

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