Peace and Calm Health Functional Medicine Blog
Category: Women’s Health

Thoughts and suggestions on how you can increase your wellness, infinitely…

10 Hormones Responsible For Weight Gain In Women

No one can say that weight gain can be put down to just diet or exercise plan. In fact, often weight gain can be partly blamed on your hormones. Did you know that stubborn fat can be harder to lose if your hormones aren’t in balance? So it’s a great idea to get all your

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10 Drug-Free Ways To Help Balance Female Hormones

Did you know that there is lots you can do to naturally alleviate the distressing symptoms involved in menopause without even touching hormone replacement therapy (HRT) treatments? Let’s have a look at the top 10 drug-free ways to find relief. 1.Essential Oils Essential oils could provide you with a “best of both worlds” options helping

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7 Best Herbs For Female Hormone Balance

Most women struggle to keep their hormones in balance during their lives—to prevent PMS, to bring more harmony during perimenopause and beyond, and even during their teenage years to make that period easier to deal with emotionally. But did you know that environmental toxins, hormone-disrupting chemicals and the added stress of modern life have made

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13 Signs Of Hormone Imbalance That Most Women Ignore

Hormone imbalance is widespread in the female population: as many as 80% of women experience it during their lifetimes. But women mustn’t be blamed for ignoring the symptoms of hormone imbalance. They can be extremely confusing, even for medical doctors, and often creep up on a person so slowly that it’s difficult to discern if

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Could Cleaning Be Damaging Your Lungs?

A new study performed at the University of Bergen found that cleaning the house could do as much damage to women’s lungs as smoking a packet of cigarettes per day. This study that tracked 6,235 men and women’s lung health over the course of 20 years concluded that women who cleaned around the house as

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Could That Problem Be Hormonal

Hormonal changes can produce a wide range of physical and mental symptoms. Hormones are the chemical messengers that allow your body to function in harmony. During your reproductive years, women’s hormones cycle up and down every month naturally. Changes also commonly occur during the two significant events in your life that affect your hormones the

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